
Yulia Zubchenko

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Burial Datum:
Zusätzliche namen:
Юлия Зубченко
Arzt, Opfer der Ukraine 2014-24, Sanitäter, Sanitäter
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Visegrád 24   @visegrad24 · 20h   27-year-old Yulia Zubchenko was a paramedic. She was killed in battle by the Russian Army while defending Azovstal. Rest in Peace Yulia, Ukraine will never forget your sacrifice.


On March 10, Svitlovodsk said goodbye to Yulia Zubchenko, a 27-year-old medic with the nickname Sirena, who died on May 8, 2022 at the Azovstal plant.

It is reported by press service of Svitlovodsk city territorial community.

Yulia Zubenko was born on January 12, 1995 in Svitlovodsk. After the 9th grade of Svitlovodsk Secondary School No. 4, she studied at the Kremenchug Medical College and received the specialty of paramedic.

In 2019, she graduated as a pharmacist at the National Pharmaceutical University in Kharkiv.

In December 2020, she signed a contract with the National Guard of Ukraine and joined OZSP “Azov”.

“The Great War found Sirena – as Yulia was called by her brothers – in Mariupol. She helped wounded soldiers.

On May 8, 2022, she died on Azovstal as a result of an aerial bomb hitting the bunker where the hospital was located, and already on May 11, the patronage service of the regiment informed her relatives about her death Yulia’s 7-year-old son, who is being raised by his parents, was left without a mother,” the city council said.

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