
Grzegorz Przemyk

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Burial Datum:
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Grzegorz Przemyk
Opfer einer Straftat , Schüler,
Warschau, Powązki-Friedhof

Grzegorz Przemyk (May 17, 1964 – May 14, 1983) was a young, aspiring Polish poet from Warsaw, who was murdered by members of the Communist People's Milicja Obywatelska. His killing was one of many such politically motivated murders perpetrated against democratic opposition by the Communist regime of Poland (see: Martial law in Poland).

Grzegorz Przemyk

A few days before Przemyk's death, his mother, Barbara Sadowska, a poet and a member of the anti-Communist opposition, was severely beaten by unknown perpetrators, who most likely were members of the Polish secret police, the Służba Bezpieczeństwa. On May 12, 1983, while celebrating their graduation from High School with his friends at the Castle Square in Warsaw Old Town, Grzegorz Przemyk was arrested by members of the Milicja Obywatelska. He was severely beaten at the police station located at Jezuicka Street in Warsaw. After sustaining severe injuries to his stomach, Grzegorz Przemyk died two days later.

Przemyk's funeral, which took place at the Powązki Cemetery, and which was witnessed by Jerzy Popiełuszko, turned into a spontaneous demonstration against the Communist regime. Meanwhile, the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs tried to protect those responsible for his murder, by stating that Przemyk died because of negligence of the paramedics, who took him to hospital. This flawed version of events was repeated during the 1984 trial, and the two suspects, both of whom were Milicja functionaries, were acquitted, despite these facts that their testimonies were refuted in the UK trial by Dr. Marek Bagniewski, the doctor who operated on Przemyk before his death.

The search for justice for the brutally murdered young aspiring poet was undertaken by the Institute of National Remembrance. On May 3, 2008, Przemyk was posthumously awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, by the late President of Poland Lech Kaczyński. The song "Over My Dead Body" from the 1984 album "Meltdown" from Christian recording artist Steve Taylor was dedicated to the memory of Grzegorz Przemyk.



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        12.12.1981 | Rada Państwa podjęła uchwałę o wprowadzeniu stanu wojennego

        Stan wojenny w Polsce 1981–1983 – stan nadzwyczajny wprowadzony 13 grudnia 1981 roku na terenie całej Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej, niezgodnie z Konstytucją PRL. Został zawieszony 31 grudnia 1982 roku, a zniesiono go 22 lipca 1983 roku. W trakcie jego trwania z rąk milicji oraz SB zginęło kilkadziesiąt osób.

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