
Ida Marie Hill

Birth: Feb. 20, 1977

Death: Jul. 22, 2011, Norwaytrans.gif
age: 34 yrs 5 mos 2 days
from Grue

Ida Marie Hill, born in 1977, originally from Grue. She has lived in Oslo for many years, working in the Ministry of Justice.

She was a law degree at the University of Oslo, and the work of Amnesty International from November 2003 to April 2004, writes Justice Ministry said in a statement.

Ida Marie joined the Civil Division in the Ministry of Justice May 2004 and worked there for a little over two years before she started working for the UN (UNHCR). She worked for the United Nations for four years, first in Tanzania, then in Geneva.

In 2011 came Ida Marie back to the Civil Division. After a short time she began working in the Ministry of Justice International Secretariat.

Ida Marie has in his entire time in the Justice Department was interested in and working on international issues, including child abduction, legal requests from abroad, international criminal tribunals and Norway and the EU. She has also worked on regulatory development.

- We have lost Ida Marie, a dear and highly valued employee. There is a tremendous loss both professionally and personally to the Ministry and for his colleagues who sit back. Our thoughts are with Ida Marie's family and friends. We will remember her with joy and gratitude. She will be sorely missed, said Justice Minister Knut Storberget and Secretary Morten Ruud in the press release.


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