
Jon Vegard Lervag

Birth: Feb. 17, 1979

Death: Jul. 22, 2011, Norwaytrans.gif
Jon Vegard Lervåg
age: 32 yrs 5 mos 5 days
from Oslo, Norway

Jon Vegard Lervåg killed by bomb in its ministries. He was born in 1979 and was living in Oslo, but is originally from Ålesund.

He was educated at the University of Oslo with a Master of Law from 2006, writes Justice Ministry said in a statement. He worked in the Ministry of Justice, the unit of private law, from 2010.

He has also been active in Amnesty International, Street lawyer and Right Political Association.

- We have lost a dear and highly valued employee Jon Vegard. His passing leaves a tremendous professional and personal loss for the ministry and for his colleagues who sit back. When we remember Jon Vegard, it is with joy and gratitude. Our warmest thoughts are with Jon Vegard's family and friends. He will be sorely missed, said Justice Minister Knut Storberget and Secretary Morten Ruud.


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