
Jerzy Zborowski

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Jerzy Zborowski
Offizier, Partei Schlachten der Unabhängigkeit, Scout, Teilnehmer des Zweiten Weltkriegs
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Jerzy Eugeniusz Zborowski (nom de guerre: Jeremi, Jurek, Jurek Kowalski, Kajman Okularnik, Jurek Żoliborski) was born on July 26, 1922 in Warsaw and died in September 1944 in Warsaw, Poland).

He was a Polish Scoutmaster (harcmistrz), scouting resistance activist, porucznik of the Armia Krajowa and commander of the Batalion Parasol during the Warsaw Uprising.

Zborowski was a hero during Operation Arsenal and the assassin of Franz Bürkl in 1943.


  • Cross of Valour (Krzyż Walecznych), twice
  • Gold Cross of Merit with Swords (Krzyż Zasługi z Mieczami)
  • Silver Cross of Virtuti Militari



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        07.09.1943 | W Warszawie żołnierze Armii Krajowej dokonali udanego zamachu na Franza Bürkla, znanego z sadyzmu zastępcę komendanta więzienia na Pawiaku

        Akcja Bürkl – udany zamach na gestapowca Franza Bürkla, przeprowadzony w Warszawie 7 września 1943 przez żołnierzy harcerskiego oddziału „Agat”.

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        01.08.1944 | Began the Warsaw Uprising

        The Warsaw Uprising (Polish: powstanie warszawskie) was a major World War II operation by the Polish resistance Home Army (Polish: Armia Krajowa) to liberate Warsaw from Nazi Germany. The rebellion was timed to coincide with the Soviet Union's Red Army approaching the eastern suburbs of the city and the retreat of German forces.[9] However, the Soviet advance stopped short, enabling the Germans to regroup and demolish the city while defeating the Polish resistance, which fought for 63 days with little outside support. The Uprising was the largest single military effort taken by any European resistance movement during World War II.

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        22.09.1944 | 53. dzień powstania warszawskiego

        Lotnictwo i artyleria sowiecka ostrzelały punkty obsadzone przez Niemców: Dworzec Gdański, Cytadelę, lotniska na Bielanach.

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