
Viktors Alksnis

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Melnais pulkvedis, Виктор Имантович Алкснис, Виктор Алкснис, Ви́ктор И́мантович А́лкснис, "the Black Colonel"
Colonel, Député du parlement de Lettonie, Député à la Douma, Ingénieur, La figure publique, Liée à la Lettonie, Membre du Parlement, Membre du gouvernement, Politicien, Soldat
 letton, russe
Réglez cimetière

Viktor Imantovich Alksnis (Russian: Виктор Имантович Алкснис, Latvian: Viktors Alksnis; 21 June 1950 – 1 January 2025) was a Russian politician and Soviet Air Force colonel of Latvian descent. 

He was the chairman of the Russian Center of Free Technologies, an organization intended to promote Free Software and open standards in Russia. He was a member of the USSR Supreme Soviet, a member of the Russian All-People's Union and also represented the Rodina (Motherland-National Patriotic Union) party in the Russian State Duma. From 2003 to 2007, he represented the People's Union party in the Fourth Duma. In 2013-2015, Viktor Alksnis was the mayor of the city of Tuchkovo in the Moscow Oblast.

Due to his political views and personal style, Alksnis was nicknamed "the Black Colonel", an allusion to the Soviet term "Black Colonels" (Russian: Чёрные полковники) for the Greek military junta of 1967–1974.

Alksnis died on 1 January 2025, at the age of 74.

Family history

In the 1930s, Alksnis's grandfather, Yakov Alksnis (Latvian: Jēkabs Alksnis) was the head of the Soviet Air Force. He also took part in the military tribunal for the Case of Trotskyist Anti-Soviet Military Organization, which sentenced Mikhail Tukhachevsky and other high-ranking Soviet officers to death on Joseph Stalin's order. However, only eight months later, Yakov Alksnis was also arrested and executed.

Alksnis's grandmother spent 14 years in labor camps and his father was discriminated for being the son of an "enemy of the people".

During the destalinization of late 1950s Yakov Alksnis was posthumously rehabilitated; the Air Forces college in Riga was named in his honour. Despite these Stalin-era persecutions of his family members, Viktor Alksnis became a staunch supporter of the Soviet political system.

In 1973 Alksnis graduated from the Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named for his grandfather as a qualified military radio engineer.

Alksnis's Latvian heritage was the subject of slander allegations in 2007 involving comments on the Internet.

Attitude to the breakup of the USSR

Viktor Alksnis was a strong opponent of the breakup of the Soviet Union and of the independence of the Baltic States. He claimed that the Baltic States are apartheid regimes, that the Russian population in these states suffers repression.

In 1989, he was elected into the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1990, he was elected to the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia. In 1990, he was one of the founders of a hard-line group "Soyuz" within the USSR Supreme Soviet. He once proposed the ousting of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev from power, dissolving the parliament, outlawing all parties, the declaration of martial law and the handing of power to a Military "Committee of National Salvation", which would avoid the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

He described the internationally non-recognized Transnistrian Republic as the base from which the restoration of the Soviet Union would begin.

In later years Alksnis claimed to be a principal figure behind the Riga OMON, known for opposing the secession of Latvia from the USSR and actions such as the Soviet OMON assaults on Lithuanian border posts.

He was designated persona non grata in Latvia after he left the country in 1992, in Pravda, 1 November 2002. Since that time he took part in Russian politics, representing left-wing and nationalist positions. Alksnis was one of the leaders of the National Salvation Front that united nationalist and communist movements that opposed Yeltsin's policies. In 2005, he was named persona non grata in Ukraine as well, after he called for a Russian-Ukrainian border revision while speaking at a rally in Simferopol, Crimea.

Free software advocacy campaign

In 2007, Alksnis launched a campaign to promote the use of Free Software such as the Linux operating system in Russian state institutions to secure software independence.

In February 2008 he joined forces with Aleksandr Ponosov, a school teacher accused of software piracy, to form the Center of Free Technology, a non-profit initiative which will research methods of usage of Free Software in the Russian education system.

Alksnis met with project coordinator Aleksey Bragin to promote the development of the ReactOS operating system. He also invited Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU project and Free Software Foundation to Moscow. However, Stallman canceled the visit due to the controversy surrounding Alksnis.

Views on global politics

In 2006, Alksnis said in an interview that Israel and the United States are enemies of Iran's peaceful nuclear program, and their hostile attitude towards Iran is an attempt to cover up the United States' mistakes in Iraq.

Pas de lieux


        NomLienDate de naissanceDate de décèsDescription
        Imants AlksnisPère00.00.192727.07.1992
        2Jēkabs AlksnisJēkabs AlksnisGrand-père26.01.189729.07.1938
        3Kristīna AlksneKristīna AlksneGrand-mère00.00.1909
        Jānis Alksnisgrand-père
        Ieva Alksnegrand-mère
        Marta MednisRelatif
        7Indulis OzolsIndulis OzolsCollègue30.06.193320.02.2025
        8Pāvels GračovsPāvels GračovsFamilier01.01.194823.09.2012
        9Aman TulejewAman TulejewDe même opinion13.05.194420.11.2023
        10Leonid  ShebarshinLeonid ShebarshinDe même opinion24.03.193530.03.2012
        11Сергей  АхромеевСергей АхромеевDe même opinion05.05.192324.08.1991
        12Nikolai Jefimowitsch KrutschinaNikolai Jefimowitsch KrutschinaDe même opinion14.05.192826.08.1991
        13Vladimirs KrjučkovsVladimirs KrjučkovsDe même opinion29.02.192423.11.2007
        14Guennadi IanaïevGuennadi IanaïevDe même opinion26.08.193724.09.2010
        15Walentin  WarennikowWalentin WarennikowDe même opinion15.12.192306.05.2009
        16Yevgeny  ShaposhnikovYevgeny ShaposhnikovDe même opinion03.02.194208.12.2020
        17Dmitrijs JazovsDmitrijs JazovsDe même opinion08.11.192425.02.2020
        18Viktor  IvanenkoViktor IvanenkoDe même opinion19.09.194701.01.2023
        19Boris  PougoBoris PougoDe même opinion19.02.193722.08.1991
        20Oleg  BaklanowOleg BaklanowDe même opinion17.03.193228.07.2021
        21Владимир КравцевВладимир КравцевDe même opinion
        22Александр ТизяковАлександр ТизяковDe même opinion10.12.192625.01.2019
        23Valērijs  BoldinsValērijs BoldinsDe même opinion07.09.193514.02.2006
        24Anatoli  LoukianovAnatoli LoukianovDe même opinion07.05.193009.01.2019
        25Ivars StrautiņšIvars StrautiņšAdversaire02.07.194212.11.2020
        26Andrejs CīrulisAndrejs CīrulisAdversaire18.10.194623.12.2019
        27Ilmārs BišersIlmārs BišersAdversaire01.11.193012.05.2011
        28Ints CālītisInts CālītisAdversaire05.03.193101.07.2023
        29Jānis  KrūmiņšJānis KrūmiņšAdversaire26.06.195520.04.2021
        30Alberts BelsAlberts BelsAdversaire06.10.193811.06.2024
        31Andrejs KrastiņšAndrejs KrastiņšAdversaire06.05.195119.05.2008
        32Imants DaudišsImants DaudišsAdversaire15.08.194514.04.2002
        33Otto  LatsisOtto LatsisAdversaire22.06.193403.11.2005
        34Vadims  BakatinsVadims BakatinsAdversaire06.11.193731.07.2022
        35Alexandre YakovlevAlexandre YakovlevAdversaire02.12.192318.10.2005
        36Edouard  ChevardnadzeEdouard ChevardnadzeAdversaire25.01.192807.07.2014
        37Ivars ĶezbersIvars ĶezbersAdversaire30.03.194423.04.1997
        38Vilnis Edvīns  BresisVilnis Edvīns BresisAdversaire30.01.193825.10.2017
        39Ivars SilārsIvars SilārsAdversaire28.04.193829.08.2019
        40Raïssa GorbatchevaRaïssa GorbatchevaAdversaire05.01.193220.09.1999
        41Georgs AndrejevsGeorgs AndrejevsAdversaire30.10.193216.07.2022
        42Boris EltsineBoris EltsineAdversaire01.02.193123.04.2007
        43Mikhaïl GorbatchevMikhaïl GorbatchevAdversaire02.03.193130.08.2022
        44Djaba  IosselianiDjaba IosselianiAdversaire10.07.192604.03.2003

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