
Augusts Elstiņš

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Дівоче прізвище персони:
Karlovich, Karlovich
Додаткові імена:
Август Карлович Эльстин, Август Карлович Эльстин
Жертва репресій (геноцид) радянського режиму, Селянин
 латиш, естонець
Левашовський меморіальний цвинтар

Born in 1905 in Russia, Pskov Oblast. In the villiage of Zavizhye, Rozhnitskiy in the family of descendants of farmers Kārlis and Kristīne Kaļķis who came from Estonia and Latvia in the second half of the 19th century. Sisters Emīlija (b. 1899), Alvīne (b. 1902), Otīlija (b. 1907), Amālija (b. 1911). Sister Bertīne and brothers Jānis and Rūdolfs died in childhood.

Married to Olga Berkulis. Daughter Rita.

During the Soviet rule, when collectivization began, he joined the collective farm in the Strugi Krasnye district.

Arrested and taken away on December 10, 1937.

Shot on January 4, 1938 in Leningrad, 33 years of age.

After World War II, Olga moves to Latvia with her daughter.

Rehabilitated in 1957.

Source: Family archive


Elstin August Karlovich

Born in 1905, the village of Zavizhye, Rozhnitskiy s/s, Strugokrasnenskiy district, Leningrad Oblast; Latvian; non-partisan; collective farmer.

Lived: village Zavizhe Rozhnitsky s/s of Strugokrasnenskiy district Leningrad Oblast.

Arrested: December 10, 1937.

Sentenced by: Commission of the NKVD (The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) and the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR on December 29, 1937, charged: according to Art. 58-2-9-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

Sentence: VMN Shot on January 4, 1938.

Place of burial - Leningrad.

Source: Leningrad Martyrology: 1937-1938


Born: Strugokrasnensky district, Zavizhye village; Estonian; collective farmer.

Arrested: December 10, 1937

Sentenced by: Commission of the NKVD of the USSR on December 29, 1937.

Senteced: according to Art. 58-6-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

Sentence: shooting

Rehabilitated: on August 26, 1957.

Source: Книга памяти Псковской область (Book of memory of the Pskov Oblast).


немає місць


        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Kristīne ElstiņaKristīne ElstiņaМама00.00.1937
        2Emilija KalacEmilija KalacСестра00.00.189900.00.1950
        3Bertīne ElstiņaBertīne ElstiņaСестра00.00.191200.00.1923
        4Otīlija GrāveleOtīlija GrāveleСестра30.08.190709.12.1992
        5Alvīne CelmiņaAlvīne CelmiņaСестра20.12.190200.00.1972
        6Amālija EroņinaAmālija EroņinaСестра00.00.191100.00.1993
        7Aleksandrs CelmiņšAleksandrs CelmiņšПлемінник02.10.193811.06.2015
        8Bernhards GrāvelisBernhards GrāvelisПлемінник00.00.193600.00.1993
        Rudolf KalacПлемінник00.00.1933
        Georgij KalacПлемінник00.00.1922
        Viktor KalacПлемінник00.00.1926
        Ivan KalacПлемінник00.00.1928
        13Amālija MazbrāleAmālija MazbrāleПлемінниця21.01.193414.10.1995
        Elza KalaceПлемінниця00.00.192400.00.1930
        15Jānis CelmiņšJānis CelmiņšШурин30.07.189608.03.1977
        16Voldemārs GrāvelisVoldemārs GrāvelisШурин00.00.190504.01.1938
        Ivan KalacШурин00.00.1889

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