
Vyacheslav Shchepkin

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Вячеслав Щепкин
Історик, Дворянин, Професор
Der Nowodewitschi-Friedhof

Education/Speciality: Historian, Linguist, specialist in Slavonic Literature

Place of Work: Professor of the Moscow State University

Social status (in the Russian Empire, before 1917):  Inheritable Nobleman, acquired by the exceptional service to the state.


The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Viacheslav Nikolaevich Shchepkin

Born May 25 (June 6), 1863, in Timonino (Nikol’skoe), in what is now Moscow Oblast; died Dec. 2, 1920, in Moscow. Russian Slavicist, linguist, paleographer, and historian of ancient Russian art. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1913). Grandson of the actor M. S. Shchepkin.

A student of F. F. Fortunatov’s, V. N. Shchepkin graduated from Moscow University in 1885. He became a professor at the university in 1907 and at the Advanced Courses for Women in 1906. In 1887 he took up a position at the Historical Museum in Moscow, where he devised a scientific cataloging system for the Department of Manuscripts and Books in Old Russian Typeface. Shchepkin’s master’s dissertation, Treatise on the Language of the Savvina Kniga (1898–99), was a major study of the phonetics of Old Church Slavonic. His doctoral dissertation, The Bologna Psalter (1906), dealt with the phonetics and morphology of the Middle Bulgarian work and presented valuable material for the study of Old Bulgarian dialects. Shchepkin’s works include Introduction to Slavic Studies (1914), Textbook of Russian Paleography (1918), and studies of the Novgorod school of icon painting.

REFERENCE Bernshtein, S. B. Viacheslav Nikolaevich Shchepkin. Moscow, 1955. (Contains bibliography.)


немає місць


        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Nikolai ShchepkinNikolai ShchepkinБатько28.02.182014.08.1886
        2Aleksandra Shchepkina (Stankevich)Aleksandra Shchepkina (Stankevich)Мама
        3Elizaveta ShchepkinaElizaveta ShchepkinaДочка30.09.189600.00.1986
        4Marfa ShchepkinaMarfa ShchepkinaДочка30.03.189423.02.1984
        5Nikolai ShchepkinNikolai ShchepkinБрат07.05.185415.09.1919
        6Марфа ЩепкинаМарфа ЩепкинаДружина
        Петр ЩепкинДядя00.00.182100.00.1877
        8Дмитрий ЩепкинДмитрий ЩепкинДядя02.10.181724.12.1857
        9Nikolai StankevichNikolai StankevichДядя09.10.181307.07.1840
        10Евгения ЩепкинаЕвгения ЩепкинаПлемінник
        11Евгения ЛагучеваЕвгения ЛагучеваПлемінниця00.00.188200.00.1922
        12Fedor VolkovFedor VolkovЗять00.00.189700.00.1959
        Vladimir StankevichДед
        14Mikhail ShchepkinMikhail ShchepkinДед17.11.178811.08.1863
        15Pavel VolkovPavel VolkovВнук06.06.193216.12.2016
        16Evgenii ShchepkinEvgenii ShchepkinВнук00.00.192200.00.1942
        17Taras VolkovTaras VolkovВнук06.07.192921.04.2003
        18Мария ВолковаМария ВолковаВнучка
        Евгения ЩепкинаДвоюродный брат/сестра
        20Сергей ЛагучевСергей ЛагучевВідносний15.10.191825.01.1974

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