
Stephen Anderson

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Дата народження:
Дата смерті:
1 загиблий російсько-українська війни 2014-24, Жертва теракту, Рятувальник
Встановіть кладовищі

Also on the plane was Stephen Anderson, a former RAF search and rescue coordinator, who, like Mr Thomas, had moved abroad to continue his career, having grown up and worked in Britain.

Mr Anderson, 44, lived with his wife Joanna, 37, in Penang, where he worked as a technician for Maersk Drilling.

His daughter, Jordan, lives in Britain with her mother, Mr Anderson’s former wife. He was on his way home when the tragedy occurred.

Mr Anderson had moved out to Malaysia around four years ago, following a 23-year career in the RAF which included running the search and rescue team at Lossiemouth for three years.


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        17.07.2014 | Malaysian Boeing 777 MH17 shot down

        According to Doneck terrorist leader Girkin (Strelkov) tweets, plane was hit down by his men. As it was announced before on 29/6/2014 terrorists occupied Ukrainian air defence unit near Ukraine border and have anti-air systems, including BUK (SA-11 Gadfly). Rocket was launched from cossacks' ataman Kozytsin positions. According to some experts, Russian aircraft with Russian tourists was expected to be shot down, to back further wide-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine after Crimea and East Ukraine

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