
Boris Mangolds

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Boris Mangold

"Look what I found!" - an overwhelming urge to share with the viewer personal encounters with Nature, particularly with alternate, metaphoric interpretation. Rarely do I show nature straight; more often (through image manipulations) just its metaphorical meaning 
to me. The results spill over the full range from (mostly lyric) reality to abstractions.

There is no untitled work: I want the user to share my experience; a title assists the viewer to join me, what I have noticed. I don't care if other options exist.

Starting with my 35mm Minolta, doing everything myself, including printing. The outcome 
is not always preconceived; intuitive recognition arrives often only later during the "darkroom" process (the "wet lab" process is now totally replaced by computer-based assists). My methods include the paring down of forms, of details and focus (even to laconic levels); intensification by isolation and insinuation. The overall impression is what counts, not necessary the true-ness of form, sharpness, or color.


Major exhibits

State Museum of PA 
NJ State Senior Art Exhibit ("Best In The State");
North Museum, Lancaster, PA;
Westmoreland Art Nationals;
Harrisburg Art Assn, PA. 
Manchester, NJ library

State Museum of Art, Riga, Latvia; 
Liepaja, Latvia
Bratislava, Slovakia 
Shauli, Lithuania.

Lectured at:
AABS Toronto, Canada
Rutgers University, NJ 
Frick Museum, Pittsburgh, PA. 
Latvian Academy of Arts, Riga, Latvia

Джерело: ASV latviešu laikraksts "Laiks"

немає місць


        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        Ilga Ārija MangoldaДружина31.10.192120.03.2017
        Ernests DaigaСвикровь/тесть00.00.188219.05.1949
        Ausma BergmaneСвояченица16.05.192630.10.2000
        4Diāna OzolaDiāna OzolaСвояченица07.10.195402.09.2009
        5Vija OzolaVija OzolaСвояченица28.08.192429.12.2012
        6Austris OzolsAustris OzolsВідносний18.06.192303.12.2017

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