
Kosovo war. Izbica massacre

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he Izbica massacre (Albanian: Masakra e Izbicës) was one of the largest massacres of the Kosovo conflict of 1999.Serbian police and special forces killed between 89...146 Kosovo Albanians of all ages in the village of Izbica, in the Drenica region of central Kosovo on 28 March 1999

During the Kosovo War, Izbica was considered safe for Kosovo Albanians from neighboring areas to take refuge, partly because of the Kosovo Liberation Army's presence.

By 27 March, thousands of Kosovo Albanians from the Drenica region had gathered in Izbica. Most civilians had come after NATO started bombing, when Yugoslav government forces began to shell the surrounding area.

On 28 March, nearly all of the adult men fled to the mountains, leaving mostly women, children, and old men in the village. In the field of Izbica, thousands of people were crowded that day, almost all women, children, and old people.

Only about 150 men were among them. Serbian National security forces threatened to kill the villagers and demanded money. After they got the money, they separated the men from the women and children. Women and children were sent to Albania. The men were then executed with automatic weapons. Some women and old men were also executed.

Villagers who later buried the dead reported counting between 146 and 166 bodies.

The Izbica killings were cited in the War Crimes Tribunal's Indictment of Slobodan Milošević, and others.


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