George Harrison

- Date de naissance:
- 25.02.1943
- Date de décès:
- 29.11.2001
- Noms supplémentaires:
- , , Джордж Харрисон, Гаррисон, Džordžs Harisons, Carl Harrison L'Angelo Misterioso Hari Georgeson Nelson/Spike Wilbury George Harrysong George O'Hara-Smith, George Harrison;
- Catégories:
- Musicien
- Nationalité:
- anglais
- Cimetière:
- Réglez cimetière
Titre | De | À | Images | Langues | |
![]() | Royal Albert Hall | en |
29.03.1871 | Le Royal Albert Hall
17.08.1960 | The Beatles began a 3 month engagement at The Indra Club in Hamburg. Their time in Germany transformed their music
09.12.1961 | The Beatles koncerts ar tikai 18 apmeklētājiem
08.03.1962 | Дебют «The Beatles» на радио BBC.
06.06.1962 | Джордж Мартин прослушал «Битлз» с последующим подписанием контракта группы с фирмой «Parlophone»
04.09.1962 | The Beatles sāk savus pirmos studijas ierakstus
05.10.1962 | Tiek izlaists pirmais The Beatles singls Lielbritānijā "Love Me Do". Tas aptaujās ieņem 14. vietu karalistē, bet 2 gadus vēlāk 1. vietu ASV
19.01.1963 | "Beatles" pirmā uzstāšanās televīzijā
22.03.1963 | The Beatles pirmais albums "Please, please me"
10.05.1963 | Pēc Dž. Harisona ieteikuma "Decca" paraksta līgumu ar "Rolling Stones"
29.11.1963 | The Beatles single I Want To Hold Your Hand was released in the UK. It would become the first US No.1 for the group
26.12.1963 | Beatles: ASV iznāk singls I Want To Hold your Hand
01.02.1964 | The Beatles got 1st time in US no.1 hit list with "I Want to Hold Your Hand"
07.02.1964 | Bītlomānijas sākums: Bītli sāk pirmo koncertturneju ASV
02.03.1964 | A Hard Day's Night is a musical comedy film with the Beatles
04.12.1964 | Ukazał się album Beatles for Sale grupy The Beatles
Beatles for Sale to czwarty album zespołu The Beatles, wydany w 1964 roku i wyprodukowany przez George'a Martina. Album zawierał utwory: "Every Little Thing", "Eight Days a Week" (piosenka zajmowała 1. miejsce listy przebojów Billboardu) czy też "What You're Doing". Na albumie znalazło się kilka coverów.
12.06.1965 | Награждение The Beatles орденами Британской империи
15.08.1965 | Stadium rock was born as The Beatles appeared before 56,000 at New York's Shea Stadium
04.09.1965 | Billboard magazine Hot 100 number one. The Beatles, Help
13.09.1965 | ASV izdod Bītlu singlu "Yesterday"
03.12.1965 | Rubber Soul is the sixth studio album by English rock group the Beatles, released in 3 December 1965
05.08.1966 | The Beatles’ Revolver was released
02.03.1967 | Проходит 9-я церемония вручения «Грэмми». Запись года: Фрэнк Синатра (Frank Sinatra) — Stangers in the Night из альбома Sinatra, a Man and His Music. В числе номинантов были Джон Леннон и Пол Маккартни с песней Michelle.
19.07.1967 | 1st: The Beatles- All You Need is Love
08.02.1968 | Formed English rock band Deep Purple
Deep Purple are an English rock band formed in Hertford in 1968. They are considered to be among the pioneers of heavy metal and modern hard rock, although their musical approach changed over the years. Originally formed as a progressive rock band, the band shifted its sound to hard rock in 1970, and in 1973 began exploring progressive metal. Deep Purple, together with Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, have been referred to as the "unholy trinity of British hard rock and heavy metal in the early to mid-Seventies". They were listed in the 1975 Guinness Book of World Records as "the globe's loudest band" for a 1972 concert at London'sRainbow Theatre, and have sold over 100 million albums worldwide, including 8.5 million certified units in the US.
14.05.1968 | The Beatles izveido jaunu skaņu ierakstu kompāniju "Apple Corp."
30.05.1968 | The Beatles began recording the double "White Album"
17.01.1969 | Ukazał się album Yellow Submarine grupy The Beatles
Yellow Submarine – dziesiąty album zespołu The Beatles, na którym znajdują się piosenki do filmu animowanego o tym samym tytule, który został nakręcony rok wcześniej.