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Žores Medvedevs

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Жорес Александрович Медведев
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Жорес Медведев
biolog, dysydent, naukowiec, pisarz
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Žores Medvedevs - disidenta Roja Medvedeva dvīņu brālis

Źródło informacji: wikipedia.org

Brak miejsc


        ImięRodzaj relacjiData urodzeniaData śmierciOpis
        1Aleksandr  SolzhenitsynAleksandr Solzhenitsynprzyjaciel11.12.191803.08.2008
        2Siergiej  KapicaSiergiej Kapicaprzyjaciel14.02.192814.08.2012
        3Piotr KapicaPiotr Kapicaprzyjaciel26.07.189408.04.1984
        4Вениамин КаверинВениамин Каверинprzyjaciel19.04.190202.05.1989
        5Александр ТвардовскийАлександр Твардовскийprzyjaciel21.06.191018.12.1971
        6Andriej SacharowAndriej Sacharowprzyjaciel21.05.192114.12.1989
        7Юрий БондаревЮрий Бондаревznajomy15.03.192429.03.2020
        8Николай ГрибачевНиколай Грибачевznajomy19.12.191010.03.1992

        24.10.1960 | Nedelin catastrophe

        The Nedelin catastrophe or Nedelin disaster was a launch pad accident that occurred on 24 October 1960 at Baikonur test range (of which Baikonur Cosmodrome is a part), during the development of the Soviet ICBM R-16. As a prototype of the missile was being prepared for a test flight, an explosion occurred when second stage engines ignited accidentally, killing many military and technical personnel working on the preparations. Despite the magnitude of the disaster, news of it was suppressed for many years and the Soviet government did not acknowledge the event until 1989. The disaster is named after Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Nedelin (Russian: Митрофан Иванович Неделин), who was killed in the explosion. As commanding officer of the Soviet Union's Strategic Rocket Forces, Nedelin was head of the R-16 development program.

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