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Benito Mussolini

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Inne nazwiska/pseudonimy:
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian pronunciation: [beˈniːto musːoˈliːni]; Amilkare, First Marshal of the Empire, Duce, His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire
Order Wojenny Pogromcy Niedźwiedzia, członek rządu, minister, mąż stanu, polityk, premier, uczestnik I wojny światowej, uczestnik II wojny światowej, władca, żołnierz
Określ cmentarz

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian pronunciation: [beˈniːto musːoˈliːni]; 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism.

Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925. After 1936, his official title was "His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire". Mussolini also created and held the supreme military rank of First Marshal of the Empire along with King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, which gave him and the King joint supreme control over the military of Italy. Mussolini remained in power until he was replaced in 1943; for a short period after this until his death, he was the leader of the Italian Social Republic.

Mussolini was among the founders of Italian Fascism, which included elements of nationalism, corporatism, national syndicalism, expansionism, social progress, and anti-socialism in combination with censorship of subversives and state propaganda. In the years following his creation of the Fascist ideology, Mussolini influenced, or achieved admiration from, a wide variety of political figures.

Among the domestic achievements of Mussolini from the years 1924–1939 were: his public works programmes such as the taming of the Pontine Marshes, the improvement of job opportunities, the public transport, and the so-called Italian economic battles. Mussolini also solved the Roman Question by concluding the Lateran Treaty between the Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See.

On 10 June 1940, Mussolini led Italy into World War II on the side of the Axis despite initially siding with France against Germany in the early 1930s. Believing the war would be short-lived, he declared war on France and the United Kingdom in order to gain territories in the peace treaty that would soon follow.

Three years later, Mussolini was deposed at the Grand Council of Fascism, prompted by the Allied invasion of Italy. Soon after his incarceration began, Mussolini was rescued from prison in the daring Gran Sasso raid by German special forces. Following his rescue, Mussolini headed the Italian Social Republic in parts of Italy that were not occupied by Allied forces.

In late April 1945, with total defeat looming, Mussolini attempted to escape to Switzerland, only to be quickly captured and summarily executed near Lake Como by Italian partisans. His body was then taken to Milan where it was hung upside down at a petrol station for public viewing and to provide confirmation of his demise.


Źródło informacji: wikipedia.org, news.lv

Nazwa miejsca Aktywne od: Aktywne do: Zdjęcia Język
Schloss FuschlSchloss Fuschlde, en, lv


        ImięRodzaj relacjiData urodzeniaData śmierciOpis
        1Bruno MussoliniBruno Mussolinisyn22.04.191807.08.1941
        2Romano MussoliniRomano Mussolinisyn26.09.192703.02.2006
        3Витторио МуссолиниВитторио Муссолиниsyn27.09.191612.06.1997
        4Edda CianoEdda Cianocórka01.09.191009.04.1995
        5Donna Rachele MussoliniDonna Rachele Mussoliniżona11.04.189030.10.1979
        6Galeazzo  CianoGaleazzo Cianozięć18.03.190301.01.1944
        7Gina Ruberti MussoliniGina Ruberti Mussolinisynowa14.12.191604.05.1946
        8Клара ПетаччиКлара Петаччиżona po ślubie cywilnym28.02.191228.04.1945
        9Costanzo CianoCostanzo Cianodaleki krewny30.08.187626.06.1939
        10Richard BennettRichard Bennettkolega/koleżanka21.05.187022.10.1944
        11Vittorio  Emanuele IIIVittorio Emanuele IIIkolega/koleżanka11.11.186928.12.1947
        12Sidney  ReillySidney Reillyznajomy24.03.187405.11.1925
        13Alfred  EisenstaedtAlfred Eisenstaedtznajomy06.12.189823.08.1995
        14Rabindranath TagoreRabindranath Tagoreznajomy06.05.186107.08.1941
        15Анте ПавеличАнте Павеличznajomy14.07.188928.12.1959
        16Boris SavinkovBoris Savinkovznajomy31.01.187907.05.1925
        17Giacomo PucciniGiacomo Pucciniznajomy22.12.185829.11.1924
        18Otto SkorzenyOtto Skorzenyznajomy12.06.190805.07.1975
        19Lia OrigoniLia Origoniznajomy20.10.191926.10.2022
        20Primo CarneraPrimo Carneraznajomy26.10.190629.06.1967
        21Rozanne ColchesterRozanne Colchesterznajomy10.11.192217.11.2016
        22Marie of RomaniaMarie of Romaniaznajomy29.10.187518.07.1938
        23Giovanna of  ItalyGiovanna of Italyznajomy13.11.190726.02.2000
        24Bianca DoriaBianca Doriaznajomy22.09.191502.02.1985
        25Edward VIII WindsorEdward VIII Windsorznajomy, wyznawca tej samej idei23.06.189428.05.1972
        26Olga CzechowaOlga Czechowaznajomy26.04.189709.03.1980
        27Oswald  MosleyOswald Mosleywyznawca tej samej idei16.11.189603.12.1980
        28Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitlerwyznawca tej samej idei, towarzysz20.04.188930.04.1945
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        30Giacomo MatteottiGiacomo Matteottioponent22.05.188510.06.1924
        31Вернер  ВольфВернер Вольфgwałciciel, winny

        23.03.1919 | Mussolini founds the Fascist party 23.03.1919

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        27.10.1922 | Rozpoczął się faszystowski zamach stanu zwany marszem na Rzym, w wyniku którego władzę we Włoszech przejął Benito Mussolini

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        28.10.1922 | March on Rome: Italian fascists led by Benito Mussolini march on Rome

        March on Rome: Italian fascists led by Benito Mussolini march on Rome and take over the Italian government.

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        30.10.1922 | Fascist leader Benito Mussolini is appointed as the Prime Minister of Italy

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        10.06.1924 | Fascists kidnap and kill Italian Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti in Rome

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        03.01.1925 | Fascist leader Benito Mussolini announced that he was assuming dictatorial powers over Italy

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        18.04.1933 | Hitlera un Musolīni tikšanās Venēcijā

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        13.06.1934 | Venēcijā notiek Hitlera un Musolīni tikšanās

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        19.10.1935 | Tautu Savienība ieviesa ekonomiskās sankcijas pret Itāliju par tās iebrukumu Etiopijā

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        05.05.1936 | Itālijas spēki okupēja Adisabebu, Etiopijā

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        29.09.1938 | Hitler greets British PM Neville Chamberlain, at the start of the Munich Conference

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        24.01.1942 | World War II: The Allies bombard Bangkok, leading Thailand to declare war against the United States and United Kingdom.

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        25.07.1943 | Otrais pasaules karš: Itālijas premjerministrs Benito Musolīni tika atstādināts no amata un arestēts

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        12.09.1943 | Former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was rescued by German paratroopers while inprisoned by the Italian rebels

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        25.04.1945 | The Allies liberate Italy. Benito Mussolini is captured

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        28.04.1945 | Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci are executed by a firing squad consisting of members of the Italian resistance movement

        Prześlij wspomnienia

        09.05.1945 | 2. Pasaules kara beigas Eiropā

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