
Voldemars Andersons

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Вольдемар Петрович Андерсон
, Жертва репресій (геноцид) радянського режиму, Комуніст, Учасник Першої світової війни, Фотограф, Художник

[automatic translation, non- edited]

Born in Riga, in a workers' family. Educated in Riga city schools.

Studied in Riga and Petrograd art schools (1911-17), graduated from the High School. artistic tech. workshops in Moscow in 1921, studied with K. Korovin.

Head of the "Latvian Rifle Art Studio" and organizer of the exhibition in the Kremlin in 1918.

From 1917 to 1922, "Red Rifleman", 7th Rifle Regiment. Served in the guard of Smolny and the Kremlin.

1922 entered and studied at the university until 1924 (Вхутемас)

In 1925 he entered the Russian Academy of Arts.

He has painted historical compositions ("Red Latvian Riflemen Cross the Front of Denikin, 1933"), works of the domestic genre ("The First Tractor" in 1935), portraits ("The Feather and the Mauser" in 1926). during his lifetime.

As a photographer, he has documented notable Latvians in Russia and the Latvian commune "Zemnieks" in the Moscow region.

 Arrested in December 1937, accused of espionage, shot in 1938 simultaneously with the all actors and staff of the Latvian theater "Skatuve" in Moscow


Born 1891, г. Риги; латыш; высшее;


Lived: Москва, ул. Арбат, д. 23, кв. 22.

Arrested: 15 December 1937.

Sentenced: Комиссией НКВД СССР 24 January 1938.

Charged: шпионской деятельности.

Shot: 3 February 1938.

Buried: место захоронения - Московская обл., Бутово.

Rehabilitated: 0 April 1957.

Source: Москва, расстрельные списки - Бутовский полигон

File number: том II, стр.63, место хранения дела - ГА РФ.


немає місць


        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        Leontīne KalējaСестра00.00.190429.06.1995
        Marija AndersoneВідносний00.00.185907.12.1951
        3Karlis VeidemanisKarlis VeidemanisДруг09.08.189726.02.1938
        4Rudolf-Aleksandr DrevinRudolf-Aleksandr DrevinДруг15.07.188926.02.1938
        5Gustavs KlucisGustavs KlucisДруг04.01.189526.02.1938
        6Emīls FrossEmīls FrossКоллега03.04.190424.05.1943

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