
Josephine Pauline de Talleyrand Perigord

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Žozefīne Paulīne de Taleirāna Perigora,Castellane de
, Дворянин, Пов'язані в Латвію
 німець, француз
Встановіть кладовищі

Joséphine Pauline de Talleyrand-Périgord (29 December 1820, Paris - 1890), by her marriage marquise de Castellane, was a French noblewoman.

The third legitimate child of the duke and duchess of Dino, Dorothea von Biron and her husband Edmond de Talleyrand-Périgord, she is often thought to have in fact been fathered by Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, prince of Bénévent.

She grew up in his hotel particulier on rue Saint-Florentin, was nicknamed "angel of the house" and "my dear Minette" by him, and held a great affection for him throughout her life.

In 1839, she married Henri de Castellane, eldest son of the marshal de Castellane.

Widowed in 1847, she spent the rest of her life at the château de Rochecotte (Indre-et-Loire), which she was given by her mother.

A great friend of Félix Dupanloup, bishop of Orléans, she lived a simple and devout life.


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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Doroteja de Taleirāna-PerigoraDoroteja de Taleirāna-PerigoraМама21.08.179319.09.1862
        2Marie de Castellane, princess RadziwillMarie de Castellane, princess RadziwillДочка19.02.184010.07.1915
        3Gustavs Kaliksts BīronsGustavs Kaliksts BīronsДядя29.01.178026.06.1821
        4Pēteris fon BīronsPēteris fon BīronsДед15.02.172413.01.1800
        5Dorothea  von MedemDorothea von MedemБабушка03.02.176120.08.1821
        6Johann Friedrich von MedemJohann Friedrich von MedemДедушка00.00.172204.08.1785
        7Ernests fon BīronsErnests fon BīronsДедушка23.11.169028.12.1772
        8Kaliksts Gustavs Hermanis BīronsKaliksts Gustavs Hermanis BīronsДвоюродный брат/сестра03.01.181708.03.1882

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