
Arnold Rüütel

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Arnolds Rītels, Арнольд Рюйтель
Central Committee of the CPSU, Communist, Communist Party worker, Member of Parliament, Politician, President
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Arnold Rüütel, 10 May 1928 – 31 December 2024) was an Estonian politician. He was the third President of Estonia from 8 October 2001 to 9 October 2006. Rüütel was the second president of the country after the end of the 1944–1991 Soviet occupation, and the restoration of the independent Republic of Estonia on 20 August 1991.


Rüütel was born in the village of Pahavalla in Laimjala Parish, Saaremaa, Estonia on 10 May 1928. His parents were Feodor Rüütel (1900−1965) and Juulia Rüütel (1905−1990). He graduated from the Agricultural College in Jäneda in 1949.

He worked as a senior agronomist in Saaremaa (1949−1950) and then as a teacher at the Tartu School of Agricultural Mechanization (1955−1957). In between those two jobs, he served his term in the Soviet Army. In 1957, he was appointed the director of the experimental farm of the Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, and in 1963 he was appointed director of the Tartu Reference State Farm, remaining in this position until 1969. He graduated from the Estonian Academy of Agriculture in 1964. From 1969 to 1977, Rüütel was rector of the Estonian Academy of Agriculture. He served as the last chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR (thus he was also one of the 15 deputy chairmen of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union) from 8 April 1983 to 29 March 1990.

On 29 March 1990, he was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council (head of parliament), after the first free elections in the then Soviet-occupied Estonia. He served in that position when Estonia restored full independence on 20 August 1991, and continued in office until 6 October 1992. In the independent Estonia, Rüütel was also a member of the Constitutional Assembly from 1991 to 1992, which drafted the new Constitution of the Republic of Estonia. He stood as a candidate in the first presidential election in 1992. In the first round, Rüütel received the best result, 43% of popular vote, but still short of required 50% majority. The second round was held in the parliament (Riigikogu), and there Rüütel lost in the presidential elections to Lennart Meri.

In 1991, Rüütel took his Doctorate in agriculture. He served as Chairman of the People's Union of Estonia from 1994 to 2000, and was elected as a member of parliament (Riigikogu), in 1995, where he acted as vice-chairman until 1997. He ran for president in the 1996 election (this time an indirect election with no popular vote) and lost to Meri once again.


Rüütel was elected president by an electoral college on 21 September 2001, defeating Toomas Savi in the final round by votes of 186 to 155. Rüütel was inaugurated as President of the Republic on 8 October 2001. Rüütel announced in his election manifesto that his principal aims would be to reduce the negative effects that Estonia's speedy economic changes had had on a large number of people, and to seek greater solidarity within the society.

Source: wikipedia.org

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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
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        2Algirdas BrazauskasAlgirdas BrazauskasCoworker22.09.193226.06.2010
        3Oleg   BaklanovOleg BaklanovPartymate17.03.193228.07.2021
        4Yuri ChurbanovYuri ChurbanovPartymate11.11.193607.10.2013
        5Борис  ПастуховБорис ПастуховPartymate10.10.193319.01.2021
        6Otto  LatsisOtto LatsisPartymate22.06.193403.11.2005
        7Yuri  ZhdanovYuri ZhdanovPartymate20.08.191919.12.2006
        8Александр РекунковАлександр РекунковPartymate27.10.192002.05.1996
        9Vilhelms KaņepsVilhelms KaņepsPartymate13.01.192305.03.1993
        10Pyotr   DemichevPyotr DemichevPartymate03.01.191810.08.2010
        11Арнольд КлауценАрнольд КлауценPartymate23.08.1937
        12Юрий  ПетровЮрий ПетровPartymate18.01.193924.10.2013
        13Valērijs  BoldinsValērijs BoldinsPartymate07.09.193514.02.2006
        14Вадим  МедведевВадим МедведевPartymate29.03.1929
        15Alexander  VlasovAlexander VlasovPartymate20.01.193209.06.2002
        16Vadims  BakatinsVadims BakatinsPartymate06.11.193731.07.2022
        17Yevgeny  ShaposhnikovYevgeny ShaposhnikovPartymate03.02.194208.12.2020
        18Jurijs RubensJurijs RubensPartymate15.04.192514.03.2004
        19Nikolai  RyzhkovNikolai RyzhkovPartymate28.09.192928.02.2024
        20Юрий  СоловьёвЮрий СоловьёвPartymate20.08.192502.10.2011
        21Вячеслав  КебичВячеслав КебичPartymate10.07.193609.12.2020
        22Владимир  АнищевВладимир АнищевPartymate24.07.193521.02.2018
        23Nikolai ShchelokovNikolai ShchelokovPartymate26.11.191013.12.1984
        24Александра  БирюковаАлександра БирюковаPartymate25.02.192920.02.2008
        25Elsa GretškinaElsa GretškinaPartymate15.04.193220.10.2014
        26Владислав ТихомировВладислав ТихомировPartymate14.08.193919.06.2017
        27Yuri AndropovYuri AndropovPartymate15.06.191409.02.1984
        28Николай БеляевНиколай БеляевPartymate19.01.190328.10.1966
        29Justas PaleckisJustas PaleckisPartymate22.01.189926.01.1980
        30Михаил СоломенцевМихаил СоломенцевPartymate
        31Ivars ĶezbersIvars ĶezbersPartymate30.03.194423.04.1997
        32Viktor ChebrikovViktor ChebrikovPartymate27.04.192301.07.1999
        33Петр МашеровПетр МашеровPartymate13.02.191804.10.1980
        34Pēteris StrautmanisPēteris StrautmanisPartymate24.04.191927.06.2007
        35Alexander  BovinAlexander BovinPartymate09.08.193029.04.2004
        36Динмухамед КунаевДинмухамед КунаевPartymate12.01.191222.08.1993
        37Dmitrijs UstinovsDmitrijs UstinovsPartymate30.10.190820.12.1984
        38Aleksandr  AksyonovAleksandr AksyonovPartymate09.10.192408.09.2009
        39Vitaly FedorchukVitaly FedorchukPartymate27.12.191829.02.2008
        40Ringaudas-Bronislovas SongailaRingaudas-Bronislovas SongailaPartymate20.04.192925.06.2019
        41Stanisław  SzatalinStanisław SzatalinPartymate24.08.193403.03.1997
        42Boris  PugoBoris PugoPartymate19.02.193722.08.1991
        43Gennady YanayevGennady YanayevPartymate26.08.193724.09.2010
        44Yegor  LigachyovYegor LigachyovPartymate29.11.192007.05.2021
        45Евгений  ТяжельниковЕвгений ТяжельниковPartymate07.01.192815.12.2020
        46Сергей  ТрапезниковСергей ТрапезниковPartymate19.02.191212.03.1984
        47Karl  VainoKarl VainoPartymate28.05.192314.02.2022
        48Nikolay KruchinaNikolay KruchinaPartymate14.05.192826.08.1991
        49Rafiks  NišanovsRafiks NišanovsPartymate15.01.192611.01.2023
        50Инамжон УсманходжаевИнамжон УсманходжаевPartymate21.05.193017.03.2017
        51Павел  РомановПавел РомановPartymate12.07.191326.09.1992
        52Karen DemirchyanKaren DemirchyanPartymate17.04.193227.10.1999
        53Nikolai   TikhonovNikolai TikhonovPartymate14.05.190501.06.1997
        54Fyodor KulakovFyodor KulakovPartymate04.02.191817.07.1978
        55Alexei KosyginAlexei KosyginPartymate21.02.190418.12.1980
        56Дмитрий  ШепиловДмитрий ШепиловPartymate05.11.190518.08.1995
        57Konstantin ChernenkoKonstantin ChernenkoPartymate24.09.191110.03.1985
        58Jānis KalnbērziņšJānis KalnbērziņšPartymate17.09.189304.02.1986
        59Alfrēds ČepānisAlfrēds ČepānisPartymate03.08.194326.04.2024
        60Augusts VossAugusts VossPartymate30.10.191910.02.1994
        61Mikhail  GorbachevMikhail GorbachevPartymate02.03.193130.08.2022
        62Alexander YakovlevAlexander YakovlevPartymate02.12.192318.10.2005
        63Владимир  ДолгихВладимир ДолгихPartymate05.12.192408.10.2020
        64Grigory RomanovGrigory RomanovPartymate07.02.192303.06.2008
        65Виктор АфанасьевВиктор АфанасьевPartymate18.11.192210.04.1994
        66Petras GriškevičiusPetras GriškevičiusPartymate19.07.192414.11.1987
        67Leonid  AbalkinLeonid AbalkinPartymate05.05.193002.05.2011
        68Mihails SuslovsMihails SuslovsPartymate21.11.190225.01.1982
        69Nikolai   OgarkovNikolai OgarkovPartymate30.10.191723.01.1994
        70Gieorgij MalenkowGieorgij MalenkowPartymate08.01.190214.01.1988
        71Dmitrijs JazovsDmitrijs JazovsPartymate08.11.192425.02.2020
        72Boris YeltsinBoris YeltsinPartymate01.02.193123.04.2007
        73Леонид ГрачевЛеонид ГрачевPartymate05.06.190722.03.1984
        74Leonid BrezhnevLeonid BrezhnevPartymate19.12.190610.11.1982
        75Шараф РашидовШараф РашидовPartymate24.10.191731.10.1983
        76Heydar AliyevHeydar AliyevPartymate10.05.192312.12.2003
        77Ядгар НасриддиноваЯдгар НасриддиноваPartymate26.12.192007.04.2006
        78Gennady  BurbulisGennady BurbulisPartymate04.08.194519.06.2022
        79Viktor  GrishinViktor GrishinPartymate18.09.191425.05.1992
        80Андрей ГречкоАндрей ГречкоPartymate17.10.190326.04.1976
        81Anatoly I LukyanovAnatoly I LukyanovPartymate07.05.193009.01.2019
        82Leonid  KravchukLeonid KravchukPartymate10.01.193410.05.2022
        83Alexander ShelepinAlexander ShelepinPartymate18.08.191824.10.1994
        84Eduard  ShevardnadzeEduard ShevardnadzePartymate25.01.192807.07.2014
        85Николай  ПодгорныйНиколай ПодгорныйPartymate18.02.190311.01.1983
        86Raisa GorbachovaRaisa GorbachovaPartymate05.01.193220.09.1999
        87Пантелеймон  ПономаренкоПантелеймон ПономаренкоPartymate09.08.190218.01.1984
        88Valentin  VarennikovValentin VarennikovPartymate15.12.192306.05.2009
        89Lennart MeriLennart MeriPredecessor29.03.192914.03.2006

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