
Raisa Gorbachova

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Raisa Maximovna Gorbacheva
Extra names:
Raissa Gorbatschowa, Раиса Горбачева, Raisa Gorbačova Titarenko, Раиса Максимовна Титаренко, Raissa Maximowna Gorbatschowa, Raïssa Gorbatcheva, Raïssa Maximovna Gorbatcheva
First lady, Public figure, Scientist, Sociologist
Novodevichy Cemetery

Raisa Maximovna Gorbacheva (Russian: Раи́са Макси́мовна Горбачёва tr. Raisa Maksimovna Gorbachyova, née Titarenko, Титаре́нко; 5 January 1932 – 20 September 1999) was the wife of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. She raised funds for the preservation of Russian cultural heritage, fostering of new talent, and treatment programs for children's blood cancer.


Raisa Maximovna Titarenko was born in the city of Rubtsovsk in the Altai region of Siberia. She was the eldest of three children of Maxim Andreyevich Titarenko, a railway engineer originally from Chernihiv, Ukraine, and his Siberian wife, Alexandra Petrovna Porada, originally from Veseloyarsk. She spent her childhood in the Ural Mountains, and met her future husband while studying philosophy in Moscow. She earned an advanced degree at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, and taught briefly at Moscow State University.

They married in September 1953 and moved to her husband's home region of Stavropol in southern Russia upon graduation. There, she taught Marxist–Leninist philosophy and defended her sociology research thesis about kolkhoz life. She gave birth in 1958 to their only child, Irina Mikhailovna (married name: Virganskaya; Ири́на Миха́йловна Вирга́нская). When her husband returned to Moscow as a rising Soviet Communist Party official, Gorbacheva took a post of a lecturer at her alma mater, Moscow State University. She left the post when her husband became a leader of the Soviet Union in 1985. Her public appearances beside her husband as first lady were a novelty at home and went a long way in humanizing the country's image. She was one of the few wives of a communist party leader to have a high public profile of her own.

In 1989, after a personal address by Professor A.G. Rumyantsev and others, Gorbacheva contributed $100,000 to the charity International Association of Hematologists of the World for Children. This and further donations raised by Gorbachevs helped to buy equipment for blood banks and to train Russian doctors abroad. As a result, country-wide children's leukemia survival rates have improved (Transcripts 2000).

On 1 June 1990, Gorbacheva accompanied U.S. first lady Barbara Bush to Wellesley College in Massachusetts. Both women spoke before the graduating class during the commencement service, touching on the role of women in modern society. All the American TV networks covered the addresses live; CNN provided live cable-TV coverage round the world. The events of the Soviet Coup of 1991 left a scar on Gorbacheva. The political turmoil that followed pushed aside the Gorbachevs' life from the headlines.


In 1997, Gorbacheva established the Raisa Maksimovna's Club, which is meant to galvanize the participation of women in politics. She also supported soft diplomacy and welcomed youth delegations to the Kremlin. Gorbacheva worked to raise awareness of children's issues and frequently welcomed youth delegations to the Kremlin when her husband could not be present. In 1989, she received a famous painting from "all of the children in the world" from youth ambassador to the former Soviet Union Elizabeth Bissell Miller.

In 2006, her family founded the Raisa Gorbacheva Foundation, which seeks to reduce childhood cancer.

Health and death

Gorbacheva suffered a stroke in October 1993. She was diagnosed with leukemia and died on 20 September 1999 at Münster University Hospital in Germany, aged 67. Her body was interred at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Source: wikipedia.org

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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Максим  ТитаренкоМаксим ТитаренкоFather00.00.190700.00.1986
        2Александра  ТитаренкоАлександра ТитаренкоMother00.00.191300.00.1991
        3Yevgeny   TitarenkoYevgeny TitarenkoBrother05.12.192528.04.2018
        4Mikhail  GorbachevMikhail GorbachevHusband02.03.193130.08.2022
        Мария ГорбачёваMother in-law02.04.191114.04.1995
        6Александр  ГорбачёвАлександр ГорбачёвBrother in-law07.09.194715.12.2001
        7Дамир АюкасовДамир АюкасовBrother in-law05.03.1931
        Андрей ТитаренкоGrandfather
        Petr ParadaGrandfather00.00.187919.09.1937
        Мария ТитаренкоGrandmother
        Анастасия ПарадаGrandmother
        12Yegor  LigachyovYegor LigachyovCoworker29.11.192007.05.2021
        13Fyodor KulakovFyodor KulakovCoworker04.02.191817.07.1978
        14Владимир  ДолгихВладимир ДолгихCoworker05.12.192408.10.2020
        15Mike  MooreMike MooreFamiliar28.01.194902.02.2020
        16Karel GottKarel GottFamiliar14.07.193901.10.2019
        17Paul Edward  TatumPaul Edward TatumFamiliar02.04.195503.11.1996
        18Viktors VeļikžaņinsViktors VeļikžaņinsFamiliar17.04.193310.04.2012
        19Vitaly FedorchukVitaly FedorchukFamiliar27.12.191829.02.2008
        20Yevgeniy  ChazovYevgeniy ChazovFamiliar10.06.192912.11.2021
        21Владимир  МусаэльянВладимир МусаэльянFamiliar08.07.193928.09.2020
        22Lucía  Hiriart de PinochetLucía Hiriart de PinochetFamiliar10.12.192216.12.2021
        23Barbara BushBarbara BushFamiliar08.06.192517.04.2018
        24Margaret ThatcherMargaret ThatcherFamiliar13.10.192508.04.2013
        25Iosif KobzonIosif KobzonFamiliar11.09.193730.08.2018
        26Anatoly I LukyanovAnatoly I LukyanovFamiliar, Opponent07.05.193009.01.2019
        27Boris  PugoBoris PugoFamiliar19.02.193722.08.1991
        Андрей РазинFamiliar15.09.1963
        29Ronald  ReaganRonald ReaganFamiliar06.02.191105.06.2004
        30Robert MaxwellRobert MaxwellFamiliar10.06.192305.11.1991
        31Андрей ВоробьевАндрей ВоробьевFamiliar01.11.192815.06.2020
        32Anatoly  ChernyaevAnatoly ChernyaevFamiliar26.05.192112.03.2017
        33Николай КондратенкоНиколай КондратенкоFamiliar16.02.194023.11.2013
        34Vladimirs KrjučkovsVladimirs KrjučkovsFamiliar29.02.192423.11.2007
        35Wladimir  SchirinowskiWladimir SchirinowskiFamiliar25.04.194606.04.2022
        36Gleb PavlovskijGleb PavlovskijFamiliar05.03.195126.02.2023
        37Игорь СергеевИгорь СергеевFamiliar20.04.193810.11.2006
        38Nancy ReaganNancy ReaganFamiliar06.07.192106.03.2016
        39Александр ТизяковАлександр ТизяковFamiliar10.12.192625.01.2019
        40Сергей  АхромеевСергей АхромеевFamiliar05.05.192324.08.1991
        41Юрий СкоковЮрий СкоковFamiliar20.06.193805.02.2013
        42Alexey  KazannikAlexey KazannikFamiliar26.07.194102.06.2019
        43Gennady YanayevGennady YanayevFamiliar26.08.193724.09.2010
        44Martti AhtisaariMartti AhtisaariFamiliar23.06.193716.10.2023
        45Dries van AgtDries van AgtFamiliar02.02.193105.02.2024
        46Arnold RüütelArnold RüütelPartymate10.05.192831.12.2024
        47Viktors AlksnisViktors AlksnisOpponent21.06.195001.01.2025